Take your company group to the gate to the UNESCO World Heritage, the Wadden Sea Center, for your next company event. The Wadden Sea is one of the more than 200 places designated as World Heritage, and at the same time the Wadden Sea is Denmark's largest nature reserve and national park. Regardless of whether it is a lecture, study tour, business meeting or something else, we are just the right place. We can easily handle large groups on our tours, as we have five trained nature guides to guide your group. We tailor your company event so that there are both experiences and time for contemplation. We can arrange everything from breakfast to accommodation and everything in between. We refer to our events for some memorable experiences.
If you book an event with us, you are guaranteed magnificent and different content. Whether it is an expedition, a small trip or a tour of the Wadden Sea Centre. We can be booked during the day, in the evening or at the weekend. We can handle large as well as small groups and we imagine the experiences will please everyone.
In any case, we have the opportunity to put together the program that best suits your organization from a wide range of events. All our biologists have extensive experience with groups and we have the UNESCO classified world heritage right on our doorstep. We are located in Denmark's absolute largest nature reserve and the country's largest National Park.